Archive for 6 Renewable Energy

Demonstration of a 100 KW Scale Rooftop PV System and Comparative Testing of Different PV Modules

Abstract The project is one of the sub-grant projects in the first round of photovoltaic competitive grant activities at the national level. The demonstration project uses the solar cell modules with a variety of materials (the validation key is which kind of solar cell module system is the most suitable for the rooftop solar PV power stations in the Jiangsu region) with the efficient and low-cost photovoltaic inverter technology of integration to grid and the radio communication technology of monitoring remote systems. The 112KW demonstration power station of efficient and low-cost photovoltaic integration to grid has been built, and the new technology demonstration has been accomplished of the PV grid-connected control inverter with high power, wireless remote transmission and BIPV, etc. The experience of promoting the rooftop plan has been accumulated. And the standard bases of the installation and safety design, etc. of small rooftop power generation system are provided
Author China Renewable Energy Scale-up Programme (CRESP), updated:3 July 2011
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6.3 Solar Energy, 6.3.3 Rural, Township and City Solar Development Programs and Specific Case Studies

China: Solar Lamps – The Eyes of Herdsmen at Night

Abstract Since the western regions have good conditions of sunshine and rich solar energy resources, using solar photovoltaic (PV) energy to solve the problem of electricity supply for the local residents’ life has become a major technical choice. The solar PV systems in the western regions are mainly used to solve the problem of lighting. Restricted by the level of income, the users of most PV systems can only use DC power systems without inverters, so the use of DC lamps is very popular. At present, there are totally more than 100 DC lamp manufacturers in China. The production capacities of these manufacturers are all low and the quality of their products is also uneven. The reasons of poor product quality are as follows: some large enterprises with actual strength have not set foot in this market, holding the size of this market is too small; some small enterprises use components with inferior quality and low prices to cater for consumers’ preference for inexpensive products for their low purchasing power. These reasons have led to poor product quality, short service life and high cost in service life. The World Bank/Global Environment Facility China Renewable Energy Development Project that is underway at present has selectively inspected the products of some DC lamp manufacturers to keep abreast of the current situation of DC lamp manufacturing in China, provide a scientific basis for scientific support and other activities at the next step, and finally reach the purpose of increasing product quality, reducing production cost and serving the users through the measurement of samples and the analysis and summary of the result of inspection. When conducting market survey for the World Bank-supported China Renewable Energy Development Project in the western regions in 1998, the authors once asked the herdsmen that already had solar PV systems at that time: “If somebody wants to buy your existing solar PV system, how much do you want the buyer pay?” Almost all the interviewed herdsmen answered: “We’d never sell them at any price, because they are we herdsmen’s eyes at night.” As of the end of 2002, electricity supply was still unavailable for about 30 million persons of 7,053,790 households in 21,560 villages. Most of the persons that can get no electricity live in the outlying areas of the northwestern regions that are characterized by a broad territory but a scarce population that accounts for only 28% of China’s total population. Supplying electricity through the extension of powder grids is not reasonable in economy due to many mountains, dangerous landforms and very difficult construction. However, the good conditions of sunshine and the rich solar energy resources in the western regions have made the utilization of solar PV energy a major technical choice for solving the problem of domestic electricity supply for the local residents.
Author Center for Renewable Energy Development/Energy Research Institute/ National Development and Reform Commission, World Bank China Renewable Energy Development Project Song Yanqin, Zhang Cheng, Yang Zheng, May 2006
6 Renewable Energy, 6.3 Solar Energy, 6.3.3 Rural, Township and City Solar Development Programs and Specific Case Studies

Alternatives to Fuel-based Lighting in Rural China-LED Lamps in Tibet

Abstract Despite high rates of electrification in China, 25 to 30 million people remain without access to electricity. This population, as well as those with only intermittent access, must rely on alternate sources of power for their lighting needs. This paper presents a comparison of available off-grid and grid-based lighting options in terms of performance and economics, which is then contextualized using a case study of semi-nomadic populations in rural Tibet. Fuel-based lighting is shown to be significantly more costly than solar-powered compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and solar-powered light-emitting diode (LED) alternatives per unit of lighting services delivered. We calculate that a hurricane-style kerosene lamp costs approximately $0.40 per thousand lumen hours (klmh) or $2.89 per thousand lux hours (klxh), while a solar-CFL lantern costs $0.17/klmh and $1.20/klxh and a solar-LED device costs $0.15/klmh and $0.03/klxh. Furthermore, as LED efficiencies continue to improve, solar-LED products will become even more economical. Three focus groups and 15 household interviews were held among off-grid populations in rural Tibet to gauge response to LED technologies. LEDs were universally ranked below CFL alternatives, primarily due to the directional nature of the LED devices exhibited, but were still ranked above all non-electric sources of light. Diffusing optics may thus need to be incorporated into solar-LED lighting systems before they are rated as more attractive for general illumination than solar-CFL systems. Accordingly, those surveyed placed a high value on the use of LED bulbs for flashlight applications. Finally, we note that despite the potential benefits of LEDs, market forces are not likely to spur innovation in solar-LED lighting options for the unelectrified populations of Tibet, as the design of these systems is dominated by the governmental bodies subsidizing their distribution. Unless this structure changes, the future development of LED-lighting technologies will depend on top-down investment from the central and local governments.
Author Rebecca Jones , Jianping (Tom) Du, Zachary Gentry , Ilan Gur, Evan Mills, Berkeley University, May 2005
6.3 Solar Energy, 6.3.3 Rural, Township and City Solar Development Programs and Specific Case Studies

The Best Practices for Off-grid Solar Energy: A Case Study on China

Abstract While the beauty of solar energy is well known, there exist a lot of barriers to the greater use of photovoltaic solar home systems in meeting the basic power needs of the substantial population in developing world. Among them reviewed are purchase, delivery and maintenance related barriers in policy and institutional perpectives. A few good practices are examined accordingly. Finally, a case study on the development of solar PV of China are conducted, covering the current situation, the existing problems, the applicability of international practices and recommendations.
Author UNDP/ Yale Collaborative Programme on the Urban Environment, Xiaoping Wang, May 1998
6.3 Solar Energy, 6.3.3 Rural, Township and City Solar Development Programs and Specific Case Studies

Chinese Biomass Energy Technology Development Roadmap

Abstract This report was prepared by the Center for Renewable Energy Development, Energy Research Institute of NDRC. The international experts at the Center for Resource Solutions also provided valuable input to the research. The roadmap assessed  the status, potentials and objectives of various biomass technologies in China; proposed development approaches for technology R&D, pilot projects development, as well as application promotions; and identified supporting incentives from aspects of both technologies and regulations.
Author Energy Research Institute (ERI), National Development and Reform Commission (NRDC), 2010
6 Renewable Energy, 6.4 Biomass

Consultation on Biomass Power Generation Technology Improvement

Abstract Biomass resources are very abundant in China, with great energy potential. Energy utilization from biomass is an important way to national economic sustainable development on renewable energy, as well as reducing pollution to environment. Renewable Energy Law has been legislated in February 2005 in China, in which the development and utilization of renewable energy ranks priority item among Chinese energy development. CRESP cooperated between the State Development and Reform Commission of China and the World Bank aims at expanding and developing China’s renewable energy utilization to accelerate technological scale-up and industrialization process. CRESP office has entrusted and supported Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion (GIEC), CAS to make an elaborate analysis and assessment of cogency on the application of biomass electricity generation technology in China, which constitutes part 1 of this report, and is submitted to the Expert Workshop on “Analysis of Potential in China for Improvement in Biomass Power Generation Technology” of CRESP in April 2005. Based on the analysis and assessment, Experts and researchers participating in the conference discussed and expressed various opinions on some important points such as foreign and domestic relevant technologies and future development trend, biomass energy technological industrialization and which technologies are priority of industrial support and special measures. Everyone has the consensus that energetically developing biomass power generation technology is of importance to national sustainable development, particular to the wide rural and remote areas in China. The meeting summary constitutes part 2 of this report. As described in part 1, present key problem of scale-up utilization for biomass power generation technology is that China is very weak in general manufacture and production ability of biomass power generation related equipment. In order to advance China’s biomass power generation technology level and relevant energy equipment manufacturing ability, CRESP office particularly set up the Competitive Grant-in-aid Project according to GoC/ World Bank/ GEF, and entrust GIEC with the project implementation scheme, including the emphasis of technology advance items to be supported by ESCRP, qualifications for supported objectives and examination standard. These constitute part 3 of this report.
Author China Renewable Energy Scale-up Programme (CRESP), 2005, (Updated:2007)
6 Renewable Energy, 6.4 Biomass

Preparatory Work for 1 Biomass and 1 Wind Power Development Projects by Jiangsu Guoxin Investment Group Limited

Abstract As one of the ISSF donation projects, the project implementation helps and promotes that the company completed the pre-development work of the two projects: 1) the installation of 47 units of 1.5MW WTGS at Jiangsu Guoxin Dongling Wind Farm, with the total installed capacity of 70,500 KW, which started the construction on September 8,2008, had completed by the end of December 2009, and put into commercial operation in February 2010, with the power generation of about 148.1 million KWh annually. 2) Jiangsu Guoxin Yancheng Biomass Power Plant – Jiangsu Guoxin Yancheng Biomass 30MW Biomass Power Project, the annual consumption of the biomass stalks was over 0.22 million tons, and the annual power generaion is 180 million KWh.
Author China Renewable Energy Scale-up Programme (CRESP), Updated 2 August 2011
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6 Renewable Energy, 6.4 Biomass

The Study and Manufacture of the Scaled Biomass Fixed-bed Gasifier

Abstract The project started in early 2008, and it was hosted and completed by Wu Youqing of Resources and Environment Engineering College of ECUST. The specific research work of the project carried out: the research of biomass fuels physical and chemical properties and the gasification process characteristics; the determination of gasifier structure parameters and material selection; the engineering design of the gasifier prototype and facilities; the research of the gasifier thermal operation and operation optimization. The project developed the scale-up biological fixed-bed gasification technology with independent intellectual property. And it developed the biological fixed-bed gasification prototype with the diameter of 3m and the the average single-oven gas production to 4,585m3/h. Both the scale extent and the run indicators of the project have reached the international advanced level.
Author China Renewable Energy Scale-up Programme (CRESP), updated: 19 July 2011
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6 Renewable Energy, 6.4 Biomass

Demonstration Power Plant Using Environment-friendly and High-efficiency Fixed Bed Biomass Gasifier

Abstract Gaoyou Linyuan Technology Development Co.,Ltd.researched and manufactured China’s first and also China’s largest power generation integrated device using environment-friendly and high-efficiency fixed bed biomass gasifier. Through the development and application of raw materials molding, fixed-bed gasification, special process for purification and the combination with the advanced domestic electric generating units, the device has been put into operation for power generation. The project has co-generation and co-supply function of power, gas, heat, oil and coal dust. It can not only generate electricity integrated to the power grid, but also can provide rural towns with gas and heat and supply the industry with burnable tar and coal dust. The modular combination can be implemented in accordance with raw material supply conditions to adapt to China’s national conditions.
Author China Renewable Energy Scale-up Programme (CRESP), Updated:18 July 2011
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6 Renewable Energy, 6.4 Biomass

Scale-up the Use of Biomass for Electricity Generation through Drying of Biomass Fuels by the Waste Heat of Boiler Flue Gas

Abstract To improve the existing 110t/h high-temperature and high-pressure boiler efficiency and generator economics, Jiangsu Guoxin Rudong Biomass Power Co.,Ltd., sponsored by CRESP, makes use of the waste heat of boiler flue gas for drying biomass, and then utilizes biomass fuel for power generation, which achieves the purpose of energy saving and environmental protection. Currently the project is being implemented.
Author China Renewable Energy Scale-up Programme (CRESP), Updated:15 July 2011
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6 Renewable Energy, 6.4 Biomass